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Harmony Insurance

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About Harmony Insurance

Harmony Insurance is a local, independent insurance agency in Braselton, Georgia. We picked "Harmony" as our name, because it's not something you find much in insurance (or even society) these days. The foundations of our agency are simple: 1) Relentless Effort 2) Positive Attitudes and 3) Consistent Processes and Procedures for EVERYTHING we do. We're proud that we never have to (or try to) "sell" a policy. Most people genuinely care about their coverage, they simply don't understand what they have. So, we educate them on their current policy, give them real life examples of how coverages work and show them the areas of their policy they should consider improving. Whether we do business or not, we feel like it's our duty as a quality-driven agency to review those factors before price is even discussed. We know that every person we encounter won't become a customer, but we sleep well at night knowing that we help others get a better grasp of their insurance situation. The factors above and an unbelievable staff have helped Harmony Insurance become a very successful agency.

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